Thursday 2 August 2012


So many souls are screaming out from deep within,shouting for help,due to the fact of being neglected and judged,being taken as an outsider. Souls die each day within, with each judgmental word you render deep down your heart.

So many people run to friends, that teach then how to change from who they were to who aren't in order to fit into the system. They pretend to be all good on the outside but initially they struggle to be loosed from the shackles of the counterfeiting message.

Some others run to the church and yet they feel judged by the incoming sighs, side talks, and strange looks looking at them with disgust of "what kind of person is that?"
A church is meant to be a place for every soul, no segregation or specificity. Remember the bible says "come boldly to the throne of grace where you will find mercy".

It's high time we stop preaching "fitting in" because we get to send a counterfeiting message across and push the ones we are reaching out to far away from us instead. The bible says "let your light so shine bright,so that the world can see the Glory of god in you".

Every human being fits into every society no matter what it is or what it is made up is called STANDING OUT!!!!!!!!!

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